Getting Started

abqcy allows you to write your Abaqus subroutines in Cython. It provides a command line tool to compile your Cython code into an object file (.obj) that can be used by Abaqus.


You can install abqcy with pip:

pip install abqcy

or install it from source:

pip install git+

Environment Setup

abqcy requires a working Abaqus installation with user subroutines enabled. Make sure the abaqus command is available in the command line, otherwise you need to create a new system environment variable ABAQUS_BAT_PATH and set it to the path of the abaqus.bat file.

abqcy uses Cython to compile your Cython code into a C source file (.c). In order to compile the C source file into an object file (.obj) that can be used by Abaqus, the abaqus make command is used (it uses the MSVC cl compiler). Since the compiled .c file requires the Python headers and libraries, abqcy will try to find them automatically and update the INCLUDE and LIB environment variables. If it fails to find them, you need to update the INCLUDE and LIB environment variables manually.


Compile the Subroutine

You can now write your Abaqus subroutine in Cython, simple scripts can be found in Examples.


In order to not mess up with the Cython declarations, you can add a companion .pxd file with the same name as your Cython .py or .pyx file, and put the Cython declarations in it. If you are not comfortable with keeping two files, you can just use the .pyx file with the Cython declarations.

See Examples for detailed examples.

After you have written your subroutine, you can compile it with the abqcy command:

abqcy compile <path-to-your-subroutine>

This will compile your subroutine into a C source file (.c) and a C header file (.h), and then they will be compiled into an object file (.obj) that can be used by Abaqus. These files are in the same directory as your subroutine.

Now you can use the subroutine in Abaqus, like:

abaqus job=Job-1 input=<model.inp> user=<subroutine> 

Run an Abaqus Job, Post-process and Visualize the Results in a Single Command

You can use the abqcy run command to run an Abaqus job with your subroutine, post-process the results and visualize them in a single command:

abqcy run <script-or-inp> --user=<subroutine> --job=<job-name> --output=<output-dir> --post=<post-process-script> --visualization=<visualization-script>


  • script-or-inp: a Python script (.py) file using the abaqus cae command to create the input file (.inp) or an input file (.inp) to run.

  • subroutine: a Cython/Python file (py or pyx) or any other file that can be used by Abaqus as a user subroutine (.f, .for, .c, .cc, .cpp, .cxx). When using a Cython/Python file, the abqcy compile command will be used to compile it into an object file (.obj) before running the job.

  • job-name: the name of the job to run. Defaults to the name of the input file.

  • output-dir: the directory to store all the output files including models, subroutines, scripts, results, etc. Defaults to the current working directory.

  • post-process-script: a Python script (.py) file to post-process the results using the abaqus cae command.

  • visualization-script: a Python script (.py) file to visualize the results executed by the current Python interpreter.

  • Additional flags are passed to the abaqus command.

See method for more details.